We’re a G-Cloud supplier
This is actually our fifth year as a registered G Cloud supplier, and we’re delighted to have met the requirements for G-Cloud 12. If you’d like to read more about our indoor signal as a service on the Digital Marketplace click here. In a quirk of our brand transition, we’ll still be listed as StrattoOpencell this year. But don’t worry, all the advantages of being part of Freshwave have filtered into the service offering and delivery.
If you’d like to read more about all the ways we help the public sector get network click here. And if you’ve never heard of G-Cloud or the Digital Marketplace, keep reading.
The UK Government G-Cloud initiative aims to ease the procurement of technology services for the public sector. While at the same time democratising the supply chain for SME service providers. But how? Mainly by offering two things:
- Framework agreements. Eliminating the need for lengthy procurement processes.
- A ‘Digital Marketplace’. A hub where public sector organisations can search for services and learn about providers they’re not already aware of.
It’s a privilege to support connectivity where it matters most: in healthcare and education settings, at street level in towns and cities and in other critical public service settings. And we’re grateful for initiatives like G-Cloud that give everyone better access to digital services. If you’d like to speak to someone about our public sector services, please reach out to Byron Calmonson, our Director of Public sector, on byron.calmonson@freshwavegroup.com.